Q: Are we available for weddings, wedding ceremonies and dinner dances?
A: Unfortunately we are not booking these type of events at this time.
Q: What is the time frame for the banquet?
A: Banquets are available during the daytime with golfers also having access to the room (non-private event). Private events can start any time after 5:00pm Oct thru May and 6:30pm for June, July & August. Events are expected to be completed withing 3 hours with extra time available to purchase as needed.
Q: How can we go about reserving a date?
A: We require a non-refundable deposit of $500 – $1000 and a signed contract at the time of booking.
Q: Do you require a food and beverage minimum?
A: Yes, determined based on day and time of event (plus service charge, applicable taxes and potential room rental fee).
Q: What is the service charge?
A: We charge a 18% service charge and applicable sales tax.
Q: Is there a room rental fee?
A: We have a room rental fee of $500 for evening events for up to 3 hours. Additional fee will apply for longer events.
Q: Hosted bar vs. cash bar; what to do?
A: Our catering manager will be happy to provide information with regard to hosting the bar or providing a cash bar. A Hosted Bar is available with the option for per hour flat rate or you base it on consumption. You have the option of hosting beverages for your guests for whatever time increment or dollar amount that you would like. A cash bar including a bartender would be provided at no charge for the event whether you opt for a hosted or cash bar or some combination of the two.
Q: What is the policy on outside beverages/corkage fees?
A: No outside beverages may be brought onto the premises. We have a full bar and a wine list that our catering manager will be happy to discuss with you. Should you insist on bringing your own wine; a corkage fee of $15 per 750ml bottle would be charged.
Q: How will the room be set-up?
A: We will discuss with you the different options on setting up the room. An actual floor plan will be drawn including table #’s once the final count is given.
Q: May we bring in our own caterer?
A: Yes, with the ethnic diversity in the bay area we understand that an occasionally an outside caterer might be better suited for your event. Please see the separate information page on outside catering.
Q: Can I rent linens through an outside company?
A: No need to as they are included in the package price. Chair covers, overlays and sashes are not included in the package price and can be rented through an outside vendor of your choice.
Q: What is your corkage fee?
A: $15 for a 750 ml bottle, $20 per magnum, and $3 for 750 ml of sparkling cider.
Q: Are there any restrictions for decorating?
A: We are not strict about decorations as long as they do not deface any property of Spring Valley Golf Course (i.e. nailing, taping on paint, etc.). Any candles must be enclosed in some type of votive. Please discuss with the catering coordinator what you have in mind.